Thursday, October 21, 2010


how creative are you?

I am very artistic with my work because I love to sketch tree's and people. Thats probably the best things I love to do when I do art. My favorite subject in school is art. Also I do not like painting, it wastes time and you  get really dirty with all the paint colours. I also love to do music i play the trumpet in band and I play piano and I am starting to play violen. When my friends think of me the first thing that comes to there mind is creative and artistic. In grade 6 my friends would want me to draw them everythem they could think of...I drew dragons,flowers,fairy's,people, etc...Then in grade 7 i dint do that much drawings i mostly was colouring and shading things. But now i still love drawing because my weekness is probably not drawing cause i start geting really annoyed I do not know why so dont even bother asking:) So I am 100 % artistic ty!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Empathy means freedom. It means when you respect other peoples coulture and expectations for there religion like not makeing rude comments on what they ware or what they cant eat and respect someone like how you would want to be respected back!
empathy also means careing for the person and stepping into other peoples shoes.
like not taking advantage of them.
and not making rude comments.
a bunch of things can be listed to be empathetic!
thank you good bye!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

what my name means

hello my name means free, and it is a french name. It is feminin for charles. Im the 11th populairest name.
I dont really like my name like its cute and all but ive always wanted my name to be Belle because it means
beautiful and i would be named after a princess, the girl from beuty and the beast. i love that movie so when i am 18 I will change my name too Belle.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Island Man (for a Caribbean island man in London who still wakes up the sound of the sea)
by Grace Nichols

and island man wakes up
to the sound of blue surf
in his head
the steady breaking and wombing
wild seabirds
and fishermen pushing out to sea
the sun surfacing defiantly
from the east
of his small emerald island

He always comes back
groggily groggily
comes back to sands
of a grey metallic soar
to a surge of wheels
to dull North Circular roar
muffling muffling
his crumpled pillow waves
island man heaves himself
another London day

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CHARZIE:) blog: Hi my name is Charlotte but you can call me Charzi...

CHARZIE:) blog: Hi my name is Charlotte but you can call me Charzi...: "Hi my name is Charlotte but you can call me Charzie. I hope you will read my comments and blogs. I am atletic, loves giraffs and polar bears..."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hi my name is Charlotte but you can call me Charzie. I hope you will read my comments and blogs. I am atletic, loves giraffs and polar bears and I get shy around guys who I like.My number one bff who ive known more then 10 years is Georgina. My favorite sport is football I dont like the colour blue but I just adore the colours scarlett and torquoise, and I am a shopoholic! I love singing and dancing but I have not been in a choire since seccond grade. I am in a band, I play the trumpet and I think i am the only girl who plays that instrument in grade 7 and 8. Anywase please send me pics,videos or messages thank you!!!