So Ms.Pollock wants R8A to make up a fictional country and saying how many people are in it, how many people in a family are aloud in the country, what are the main crops of food they eat etc.
link back onto ms.pollocks blog to see what she is looking for:
For This assignment I made my fictional country named Charcelli.
There are 1, 567, 047, 008 people living in my country, There are aloud to be 4-6 people living in the same home. Some of the crops people garden in there back yeard are; onions, peppers, rasberries, carrots, rubarb etc. Some of the people in this country noramally has about less then enough to eat and keep in there home, because in Canada there cars would be pretty much about 2000 dollars, depending on the car its self, but in Charcelli a car would be about 150 dollars because in this country it is a little poor so we need to break down how much money there spending to everyone has what they need.
The children in Charcelli play spike, which is a game that used a ball and a net and you need it least 2 people to play, one on each side of the net and what they have to is try to spike the ball on the other person side using there hands and feet, and the other person/ people has to try to save it by either slamming it up-wards or cathing it, so it doesent hit the ground. The children also play basket ball, basket ball is a really popular game in this country because the boys really like to play it, they like to work in teams to help and support one another.
My family has 4 people living in the same home right now. We have my mother, my father, my sister and I. Our house is quite poor as well as the other homes but we do have two cars, and my mother has a job, she is a teacher, she teaches grades 3 and 4 my father has a job and he is a librarien and I go to high school and my little sister is in grade 2. My school starts at 7:30 in the morning till 4:30 at night. We get lots of exams and tests, sometimes I wish we dont have school, then everyone wouldent be so stressed out. My family like to read books with dragons and fairys because we like fairy tails.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Assignment 22!
1.Part A) The deffinitions for Globalization are:
It's the name for process of increasing the connectivity and interdependance of the world's markets and buisnesses. This process has speede up dramatically in the last two decades the technological advances.
Made it easier for people to travel, communicate and do buisness internationally.Two major recent driving forces are advances in tetecommunications infrastrusture and the rise of the internet. In general as economies become more connected into other economies, they have increased oppertunity but also competition. Thus, as globalization becomes a more and more common of world economics powerful pro-globalization and anti-globalization lobbies have arisen. << this information was found at:
3.Part B) I think every face changes over the year, I mean no one looks the same but some people can have some of the same speacial characteristics such as facial simalairities. But it's hard to find to identical people living in Canada, like it is very rare. Inless you have twins.
4. Part C) I noticed when researching the faces of tommorow was rather simalar, like both men and women, there faces looked almost identical. One of the things I found interesting was bothe men and women had the same color of skin. Also another thing were the shape of there mouth, and what kind of face they were doing, it was almost the EXACT same! the last point I have is the background behind them, I dont know it looked the same.. even with the shadow the back of the women didnt look any different, also most of the girls and there hair up, and most of the guys didnt have much hair, like almost bald. I think "the face of tommorow" means; what kind of face is there new going to be tommorow.
5. This is my face of tommorow:
6. Part D) I picked that picture in number 5^^ because I mixed girls that have the same eyebrows as me and tryed to find my hair color to make it look like me.
7. Part E) I think the color of the eyes on "the face of tommorow" looks like mine, (like blueish, greyish, greenish), and the eyebrows also kind of looks like mine. Also the face shape, and the color of hair.
It's the name for process of increasing the connectivity and interdependance of the world's markets and buisnesses. This process has speede up dramatically in the last two decades the technological advances.
Made it easier for people to travel, communicate and do buisness internationally.Two major recent driving forces are advances in tetecommunications infrastrusture and the rise of the internet. In general as economies become more connected into other economies, they have increased oppertunity but also competition. Thus, as globalization becomes a more and more common of world economics powerful pro-globalization and anti-globalization lobbies have arisen. << this information was found at:
3.Part B) I think every face changes over the year, I mean no one looks the same but some people can have some of the same speacial characteristics such as facial simalairities. But it's hard to find to identical people living in Canada, like it is very rare. Inless you have twins.
4. Part C) I noticed when researching the faces of tommorow was rather simalar, like both men and women, there faces looked almost identical. One of the things I found interesting was bothe men and women had the same color of skin. Also another thing were the shape of there mouth, and what kind of face they were doing, it was almost the EXACT same! the last point I have is the background behind them, I dont know it looked the same.. even with the shadow the back of the women didnt look any different, also most of the girls and there hair up, and most of the guys didnt have much hair, like almost bald. I think "the face of tommorow" means; what kind of face is there new going to be tommorow.
5. This is my face of tommorow:
6. Part D) I picked that picture in number 5^^ because I mixed girls that have the same eyebrows as me and tryed to find my hair color to make it look like me.
7. Part E) I think the color of the eyes on "the face of tommorow" looks like mine, (like blueish, greyish, greenish), and the eyebrows also kind of looks like mine. Also the face shape, and the color of hair.
assignment 23
Ms.Pollock wants R8A to write the differences between China's population of people compared to Canada's population of people. We just have to give Three pieces of information given from the CIA World Fact Book. Then we have to give a sentence below each piece of written text on why this topic interests us.
Canada's population of people:
This is important to me because it's how many people are in the country. I find it really interesting because iv'e never really knew how many people were living in this country.
China's population of people:
This is important to me because I like to know the differences of population there is between Canada and China. I find it interesting because China has more people in Canada.
Canada's median age:
This is strongly important to me by seeing how many people die per year in Canada.
China's death rate:
Canada's population of people:
34,030,589 (July 2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 37 This is important to me because it's how many people are in the country. I find it really interesting because iv'e never really knew how many people were living in this country.
China's population of people:
1,336,718,015 (July 2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 1 This is important to me because I like to know the differences of population there is between Canada and China. I find it interesting because China has more people in Canada.
Canada's median age:
total: 41 years
male: 39.8 years
female: 42.1 years (2011 est.)
This is important to me because I like to know how much men there are and how much women, and seeing the differences between the population of both women and men.
China's median age:
total: 35.5 years
male: 34.9 years
female: 36.2 years (2011 est.)
This is important to me to see the differences between China and Canada of the men and the women living in each country.
Canada's death rate:
7.98 deaths/1,000 population (July 2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 105 This is strongly important to me by seeing how many people die per year in Canada.
China's death rate:
7.03 deaths/1,000 population (July 2011 est.) country comparison to the world: 132 | |||||
I find this interesting to see how many people die per year compared within Canada. |
assigment 24
R8A is not of legal voting age, so Ms.Pollock decided our class to vote either online in a written peice or either on a poster, giving three reasons on who we should pick, either we pick: The Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecols or the Green Party. For this blog I chose to vote for the "Green Party".
The Green Party stands for three basic principles: a smart economy; strong communities; and true democracy.
A smart ecomony = a green economy. The Green party will create new “green-collar” jobs that generate green products to meet the demands of tomorrow’s marketplace. They will create efficient, non-polluting systems that end waste by reusing and recycling products, bringing greater competitiveness and prosperity to Canada.
Strong communities take work. The Green Party will build better transportation systems and water works, and create more community-friendly spaces, like playgrounds, bike paths and community gardens. It will also create new opportunities for young people, helping them connect and build a future in their communities.
True democracy means having a voice. The Green Party will give power back to the citizens of Canada to restore true democracy to the country. They will help Canadians work together cooperatively and positively for a better future. Vote Green and stop wasting your voice, your time and your votes.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Assignment #25: Charlotte's childhood top ten!
1: When I was younger, I had a collection of shell's my dad got me, whenever he went out of town, cause he always explored around the world, to go to different countries to learn new things.
2: I used to have a toy arthur, that would talk to you when you press is tummy, some of the things he would say were : "ha ha ha that tickles" or "Lets go take my dog pal for a walk!" He'd say a bunch of random things.
3: My favourite book was: GET OUT OF BED! by: Robert Munsch.

4: I also loved my favorite barbie, she had blonde hair, and I named her polly, cause I had polly pockets and I named one of them barbie, for a mix up. Because I was that kind of person. :)
5:My sister and I loved Robert Munsch books some of the other books we liked by him were: Purple, Green and Yellow , Smelly Socks, The Paper Bag Princess and Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See?

6: My all time favourite movie was: Matilda, I just loved it cause there was magic, dissaplin and it was really funny :) And my mom said Matilda reminded her of me and looked like me. I still love that movie.
7: I also loved to make things as I grew up, and one of the things I liked to do was finger corke scarfs, they turned our beutiful but forgot to tie the end so my cat ruined it,.... oops. I liked to finger corke because I could do it in class and at home, and on the play ground. Cause no one could tell me I cant.
8: Also when I was younger I played with little babie dolls, like Baby Alive, and i always thaught how great it is going to be a mother:) But now I can see it can be stress full, but a day out to the spa would take your mind right off it. Anywase I think having a kid would be amazing, you get to spoil them (depends how many kids you have and money) But I think it would be a great experiance.
9: My favorite t.v show was arthur, cause i loved his little sister. And it's still mine and Esme's favorite show, I mean who doesent like it?!
10: I had a photo album of when I was a kid and I always kept it on my side table, next to my bed. It reminded me of all the great memories we had in our nighbor hood, cause we lived on pansy avenue and each year there would be a festival for all the people who lived on the road, they'd get a firetruck and firemen to drive people around the neighbor hood in it, and then we'd have auctions, and people who sell things.
2: I used to have a toy arthur, that would talk to you when you press is tummy, some of the things he would say were : "ha ha ha that tickles" or "Lets go take my dog pal for a walk!" He'd say a bunch of random things.
3: My favourite book was: GET OUT OF BED! by: Robert Munsch.

4: I also loved my favorite barbie, she had blonde hair, and I named her polly, cause I had polly pockets and I named one of them barbie, for a mix up. Because I was that kind of person. :)
5:My sister and I loved Robert Munsch books some of the other books we liked by him were: Purple, Green and Yellow , Smelly Socks, The Paper Bag Princess and Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See?

6: My all time favourite movie was: Matilda, I just loved it cause there was magic, dissaplin and it was really funny :) And my mom said Matilda reminded her of me and looked like me. I still love that movie.

7: I also loved to make things as I grew up, and one of the things I liked to do was finger corke scarfs, they turned our beutiful but forgot to tie the end so my cat ruined it,.... oops. I liked to finger corke because I could do it in class and at home, and on the play ground. Cause no one could tell me I cant.
8: Also when I was younger I played with little babie dolls, like Baby Alive, and i always thaught how great it is going to be a mother:) But now I can see it can be stress full, but a day out to the spa would take your mind right off it. Anywase I think having a kid would be amazing, you get to spoil them (depends how many kids you have and money) But I think it would be a great experiance.
9: My favorite t.v show was arthur, cause i loved his little sister. And it's still mine and Esme's favorite show, I mean who doesent like it?!
10: I had a photo album of when I was a kid and I always kept it on my side table, next to my bed. It reminded me of all the great memories we had in our nighbor hood, cause we lived on pansy avenue and each year there would be a festival for all the people who lived on the road, they'd get a firetruck and firemen to drive people around the neighbor hood in it, and then we'd have auctions, and people who sell things.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Assignment 21!!!
4: The four most interesting things about my topic were: I liked researching about the telephone, I also loved how we found out about the first words spoked through the telephone. Iksha and I also liked finding how thecamers looked back then, they were so intereting. Amrita liked talking about the sewing machines to the judge, All I know is she didnt talk that much, but itleast she tried !!!
3: Im proud of how much information Iksha was saying to the judges and the people, and really proud of it. Even thaugh I couldent really understand what she was saying I could tell she was saying alot! Im also really happy that more peaople came to learn about it then I expected, and little kids were actually asking questions about it. Im also happy that I really didnt have to say much, cause Iksha knew most of the text by heart, i just liked saying the speaches about the telephone and what the needles and thred were made out of for the sewing machines.
2: One of the things that made our poster really good was the title, and the seccond thing was how good Amrita and Iksha cut out all the pictures and texts and glued it onto the colourful backgrounds, our poster was really colourful !! :)
1: One thing that we should work on in the future to make it a better history fair is mabie we could go to the kids and like say : Would you like to learn about ...... da da da....... and then its like making them want to come, kind of like hipnatizing them !! Even thaugh all the grade 8's wont be here next year, these are good techneekes the grade 7's could use when they go off to be grade 8's next year.
3: Im proud of how much information Iksha was saying to the judges and the people, and really proud of it. Even thaugh I couldent really understand what she was saying I could tell she was saying alot! Im also really happy that more peaople came to learn about it then I expected, and little kids were actually asking questions about it. Im also happy that I really didnt have to say much, cause Iksha knew most of the text by heart, i just liked saying the speaches about the telephone and what the needles and thred were made out of for the sewing machines.
2: One of the things that made our poster really good was the title, and the seccond thing was how good Amrita and Iksha cut out all the pictures and texts and glued it onto the colourful backgrounds, our poster was really colourful !! :)
1: One thing that we should work on in the future to make it a better history fair is mabie we could go to the kids and like say : Would you like to learn about ...... da da da....... and then its like making them want to come, kind of like hipnatizing them !! Even thaugh all the grade 8's wont be here next year, these are good techneekes the grade 7's could use when they go off to be grade 8's next year.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
assighnment 19, if i had a hundred dollars
if i had 100 dollars ide spend it on
OXFAM: green gifts:
expensive gifts:
a donkey $120
people power $120
home based care for HIV, AIDS and tuberculosis $150
survival kit $200
ABCD $200
disaster preparedness $1300
least expensive gifts:
chicken $15
gift of peace $15
radio $15
oxfam bucket $20
mosquito nets $20
hygene kit $22
8 school books $22
safe water $22
thats what i would do
OXFAM: green gifts:
expensive gifts:
a donkey $120
people power $120
home based care for HIV, AIDS and tuberculosis $150
survival kit $200
ABCD $200
disaster preparedness $1300
least expensive gifts:
chicken $15
gift of peace $15
radio $15
oxfam bucket $20
mosquito nets $20
hygene kit $22
8 school books $22
safe water $22
thats what i would do
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
assighnment 18, soles presentation!
I wasent here on the soles presentation because i was frely ill and my stomache hurt, but my group is: connor, hannah,mateen and me(charlotte)
our group presentation topic was : facebook privacy,
and we did a very good job researching our parts, as you can see my part got taken out for some variable reasons (i wasent here)
I hope you likes\d there presentation , they worked really hard:)
our group presentation topic was : facebook privacy,
and we did a very good job researching our parts, as you can see my part got taken out for some variable reasons (i wasent here)
I hope you likes\d there presentation , they worked really hard:)
assighnment 17, the slam!
a) I learned from Greg and Beth Anne that a poem does not have to rhyme it should just have a few stanza's. Also you should try to put some emothion and actions in your poems.
b)In inspiration for my poem I used a song i made up for the first part and then the song Silent night kept coming in my head so I was writing about god and stuff.
c) Im proud of the detailed words I used.
d) I felt kind of nervous.
e) At the end I thaught I did well so I was proud, but the comments I got wasent very good; like I should of been louder, so I guess I did'nt feel good before or after .
f) I would change my voice, I would be much louder, and change some of the stanza's.
Amen:(my poem): Honestly baby we are meant to last,
stormsand, sunshine
we've been through the worst and the best,
theres more to come, but it would be impossible with you not by my side.
So live with me in the water,
we can soak, it wont matter
so let us pray, to us we say:
god look at us here we are,
we've been here since the shepards quake at midnight rise
and all the people look at us and says; are they drowning?
but no we are not drowning we are simply soaking, soaking in water
but when the water is all dryed up it will straightly go to dust
(sparklydush, colourful dust, soft dust)
dust that wont fade away when you throw it,
but dust that will go up to heaven and bring them a noteof what we wanted you(god) to look at
So as I repeat; Honestly baby we are meant to lat,
we've been through the worst and the best,
theres more to come but it would be impossible with you not by my side
so love forever if you no its real, and whats the point to love if you no its just going to fade away.
b)In inspiration for my poem I used a song i made up for the first part and then the song Silent night kept coming in my head so I was writing about god and stuff.
c) Im proud of the detailed words I used.
d) I felt kind of nervous.
e) At the end I thaught I did well so I was proud, but the comments I got wasent very good; like I should of been louder, so I guess I did'nt feel good before or after .
f) I would change my voice, I would be much louder, and change some of the stanza's.
Amen:(my poem): Honestly baby we are meant to last,
stormsand, sunshine
we've been through the worst and the best,
theres more to come, but it would be impossible with you not by my side.
So live with me in the water,
we can soak, it wont matter
so let us pray, to us we say:
god look at us here we are,
we've been here since the shepards quake at midnight rise
and all the people look at us and says; are they drowning?
but no we are not drowning we are simply soaking, soaking in water
but when the water is all dryed up it will straightly go to dust
(sparklydush, colourful dust, soft dust)
dust that wont fade away when you throw it,
but dust that will go up to heaven and bring them a noteof what we wanted you(god) to look at
So as I repeat; Honestly baby we are meant to lat,
we've been through the worst and the best,
theres more to come but it would be impossible with you not by my side
so love forever if you no its real, and whats the point to love if you no its just going to fade away.
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